The Coder

eurAIka-logo-small The Coder

The Coder acts as an expert software engineer to abstract programming away from current languages. Natural language coding is enhanced by searching for existing tools, reading documentation, writing and documenting code, and creating unit tests.

  • Abstract programming through natural language coding
  • Convert concepts into working code, run and debug it
  • Maintains a database of any language commands and features for retrieval augmented generation
  • Support for Julia, Python, R, MATLAB and other languages with Jupyter kernels
  • Enhanced data analysis, modeling, visualization, and lab equipment control
  • Adaptive analysis uses machine learning to find optimal data solutions
  • Provide insight and visualization of datasets
  • Symbolic programming understands LaTeX for equations
  • Conversational theorem proving
  • Fully customizable and interactive coding environment
  • Read and understand plots, extract data points and perform curve-fitting
  • Publication ready graphs, consistent formatting between sessions (line colors and widths, font styles and sizes, etc.)

​ julia-set

Symbolic coding example


Connect to lab equipment with ITOM